Saturday, May 7, 2011

Letter from Eleanor to June Gray, 2 Feb 1976

Febr. 2, 1976

Dear June:

I'm sure you will be surprised to hear from me, just hope I have your correct address. Don't know if you ever run into Arvilla or hear from her now that they live in Topeka or not. Our Tom and his wife are there, too, but I don't believe they see Arvilla and Lawrence very often. We were down in October for a short weekend visit. Tom & Emily came up in November and our entire family, except the 3 little grandchildren, went on a deer hunting trip in Western Nebr.. We really had a lot of fun and they finally got 3 deer. Then Tom was up the weekend after Xmas, Emily was sick with a bad cold and decided against coming.

It has been a busy time since Christmas. Clark's Mother passed away on Christmas night--she was 92 in Nov.. We'd had her over here on Christmas Eve for oyster stew with us and another daughter who lives here in town. Grandma lived in a Nursing Home just a block or so from us--in fact, our old house was moved off for the building site. So we had her over here frequently. She had not been ill except for a slight cold, but we did know she was not feeling up to par on Xmas Eve. Next morn Clark went up to see her to decide whether or not to take her along to his brother's home (an hour's drive from here) for the family Christmas dinner. He decided she was better but not to take her out in the cold and into all the confusion. We returned that eve about 8 and the N. Home people had been trying to reach us to say she had passed away about 7--just sitting in her chair. He was so glad he had spent about 2 hrs. with her and several other old ladies that morn. We were rather surprised but most grateful that she had not had a long suffering illness. Earlier our own family had all planned to be at Toms's for a belated Christmas on Sunday after, but just before Xmas we changed our plans when we learned one of the other Vets wanted to visit his family in Okla.. So all the kids said they would come here instead. So it worked out that they were all here for the funeral on Sun., the 28th, except for Tom's wife.

Then on Jan. 12, Kay brought her 2 girls up here for us to keep while she and her husband took a week's trip to Texas. They were very good and we surely had a lot of fun. They are almost 2 yrs. old and almost 4, so you know I was busy. Tim is here at home now and really enjoys children--makes me think of Dad--so he and Clark helped out a great deal of an evening.

Clark and I plan to leave on Febr. 14 for a trip to Okla. and Texas. We are riding along with his isster and her husband and also a spinster sister who lives here in town. We intend to drive to Okla. City the first day, so I've written Frank & Dorothy to keep the eve free and go to dinner with us. Am not sure how far south we'll go, probably at least Houston or San Antonio, nor just how long we'll be gone. It will be fun to get away for a while. Clark and I lived in Okla. City for over 2 yrs. when we were first married while he was in Service and we still have frieneds there whom we'll hope to see.

Perhaps you can guess by the enclosed papers that I'm trying to compile a little more of the family history. I've been more or less doing this for a year or more, then just last week learned from Frank that he's decided it is time he gets something down for his kids to remember. So Arvilla mentioned to him that I'd been working on it. It doesn't seem that there is much here regarding any of you kids and your families, just your birthdates listed in the old Family Bible which Della Mae copied on the copy machine. So I would appreciate your writing down as much as you can regarding your children, their birthdates, weddings, children, etc., and also for Lyman's and Maydean's families. Can you check that out and do it for me? You can see by the typed sheet regarding my family sort of what I'd like to have.

How is Lyman doing now? And Maydean and her family as well as yours? Surely hope everyone is keeping well and doing fine wherever they are. Please tell them all hello for me.

Clark and I had a wonderful vacation trip to Hawaii and Calif. last February. He had hernia surgery late in Jan. and was required to be off work for quite a while, so he scheduled that to give himself time to recuperate pretty well, and then we joined a local tour group of about 80 people and had a marvelous time. We were over there for 10 days, toured 4 Islands, then had four lovely days in Los Angeles visiting a cousin of his, as well as Della Mae and Al, and Claudine and 'Red'. They all really gave us a great tour of the City and area. Believe Clark may have met Della Mae one time, but it must have been almost 30 yrs. since I'd seen them. It was really fun. Hope we can return to Hawaii some time, but there are a lot of places we have never been. Don't think either of us cares much about touring Europe, but there are several states we have not seen. Four years ago we had a great two week with these same sisters of Clark's, as well as Howard, the brother-in-law, when we went up to Lake Louise, on out to Vancouver, Victoria Portland, and around. Didn't really have enough time in Victoria so maybe we can get there again. Clark has always wanted to go to Alaska so hope we can do that.

Well, I've rambled on long enough, so guess I'd better quit and get something started for supper.

Will appreciate your doing this for me and will send you more information on Della Mae's and Claudine's families after they send it to me. Thanks so much.

Love, Eleanor

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